
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Brooms, sort of

Those of you who know my broom passion will understand my disappointment in Quito.  These are the only brooms I've seen.  Normally those leaning against walls, those that have seen some action (last pic, on balcony), are more interesting than the new ones.  Not so here -- all are the factory-made, standard variety.  I'm hoping the countryside has more to offer in design, craft, natural origins. I had to do a broom post, even if rather dull.  Toilets, my other regular foreign fascination, will get no further mention here, unless things change dramatically. It's neither pretty nor interesting.

We've extended our stay in Quito a bit, now leaving on Wednesday for 4 days in Mindo, in the cloudforest, and a location that's been the winner of the annual Christmas Bird Count three years in a row.  : )  Winds are blowing NW.

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